Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Weekly Reminders - 5/29/17

5/30 - June calendars were sent home today

5/30 - May Procession - Students need rosary beads

6/2 - 12:30 Dismissal

8th Science - 5/29/17


6/1 - In NB -

1. Compare and contrast the equinoxes and the solstices.

2. Explain how the moonʼs phases vary over the course of the moonʼs revolution.

3. Compare and contrast solar and lunar eclipses. Diagram them below.

Recreate the lunar phases using the frosting from Oreo cookies. 

Round cream cheese crackers can also be used if cookies are not an option. 

Accurately model the shape of the Moon’s phases using Oreo cookies.  Place the phases in order.

7th Science - 5/29/17


5/31 - Complete lab for the result and conclusion.  Write out the elements that were formed from the new product in the chemical change.  Mention the ingredients in your materials

6th Social Studies; Religon; & Science - 5/29/17


SOCIAL STUDIES:  6/2 - P. 407 IN Textbook.  1-5. and 9 - 13 Q & A in NB

RELIGION:  6/1 - Write a summary of the Beatitudes; Corporal Works of Mercy

SCIENCE: 5/31 - WB P. 89.  # 1-12 in NB

5th Science and Religion - 5/29/17


RELIGION:  6/1 - Copy the 7 Sacraments and their purpose in NB


1 cup of Milk
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Sealable plastic bag
1 TBSP salt Salt
Clean round can

SCIENCE: 5/31 - WB P. 16.  Write out paragraph and underline the correct answer in NB

Monday, May 15, 2017

8th Science - 5/15/17


7th Science - 5/15/17


5/17 - In NB - Textbook p. 156 - # 6 - 15 Q & A 

6th Science, Religion, and Social Studies - 5/15/17


Science - 5/19 - Draw a Punnett Square using TT - dominant for straight hair and tt - recessive for curly hair in NB. 

Religion - p. 259 in NB - 5/17

Social Studies - Read over notes and chapter 

5th Science and Religion - 5/15/17


Science - 5/17 - WB. p. 296 Questions and Answers in NB

Religion - 5/16 - What do the Beatitudes describe? in NB

Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekly Reminders - 5/8/17

Students must bring in all required materials for their project.

Projects can be done on slides, google classroom, boards, or gmail accounts.

The Scientific Method must be followed and in order.

Students had over 2 months to prepare for their Science Fair Projects. Therefore, all students in grades 5 -8 is required to present their project on time. 

Students will be graded on:
* Presentation
* Scientific Method
* Speech
* Grammar/spelling/punctuation
* Neatness
* Research and Data collection
* Knowledge of their project
* Must be able to answer questions based on their research

8th Science - 5/8/17


7th Sciene - 5/8/17


5/11 - Chapter 5 Vocabulary words in NB - The entire chapter

6th Science, Social Studies, Religion - 5/8/17



5/10 - In NB - p. 379 # 1- 5.  Questions and Answers.  Complete setences and paragraphs


5/11 - Compose a song of praise to God modeled after Mary's Magnificat in NB.


5/12 - In NB
1. Describe genes and genetics?
2. What traits do animals pass to their offspring?
3. Explore how human behaviors are inherited?

5th Science and Religion - 5/8/17


5/10 - On LL - Write out a menu for a perfect healthy balance breakfast; lunch, and dinner

RELIGION: 5/11 - In notebook:

1. How does Jesus help us during times of suffering?

2. What does Jesus teach us about caring for the sick?

Monday, May 1, 2017

Weekly Reminders - 5//17

New York State Math Exam
5/2 - Part 1
5/3 - Part II
5/4 - Part III

Students must bring in all required materials for their project. 

Projects can be done on slides, google classroom, boards, or gmail accounts.

The Scientific Method must be followed and in order.

Students had over 2 months to prepare for their Science Fair Projects. Therefore, all students in grades 5 -8 is required to present their project on time. 

Students will be graded on:
* Presentation
* Scientific Method
* Speech
* Grammar/spelling/punctuation
* Neatness
* Research and Data collection
* Knowledge of their project
* Must be able to answer questions based on their research

8th Science - 5/1/17



Work on Science fair Project

7th Science - 5/1/17


Work on Science Fair Project

6th Social Studies, Religion, and Science - 5//17



Work on Science Fair Projects

5th Science and Social Studies - 5//7



Work on Science Fair Projects