Sunday, November 27, 2011

Weekly Reminders - 11/28/11

*  12/2 - 12:00 Dismissal

*   Hats and gloves Drive for the homeless are being collected by OLQM.

*   Students should begin researching Science Fair topics for approval.  Topics need to be approved before beginning project.  Students are not allowed to work in groups.  Reports are not accepted.  Projects should have a Purpose and Hypothesis to be tested/experimented.  Display boards are required.  Students must follow the Scientific Methods. 

Students should be working on their NHD projects.  Parents need to visit the NHD site for A COMPLETE GUIDE for the projects.  It is the same guidelines that is followed by the school.  O.L.Q.M does not have separate guidelines for completing this project.  

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Weekly Vocabulary Words - 11/28/11

1.  Adapt – to change or tailor something to fit, humans change their environment or their way of doing something to fit their current needs or goals.

2.  Advertising – information provided to encourage the purchase or use of a good, service or idea by emphasizing its positive qualities.

3.  Allegiance – devotion or loyalty.

4.  Allocation – the process of choosing which needs will be satisfied and how much of our resources we will use to satisfy them.
5.  Altitude - the height of a thing above sea level or above the earth's surface.

8th Science - 11/28/11
Homework:  Blue textbook
11/29 - A car is traveling due north at 20 m/s.  It brakes with an acceleration of -4 m/s for 3 s.  What is its final velocity?  In notebook.
11/30 - p. 155 # 1 & 2 on LL
12/2 - NB - p. 163 # 3 - Think Critically.  Write out question.
12/6 - Science Fair Topics due.  Topics must be typed or written neatly on looseleaf.  

7th Science - 11/28/11
11/30- Textbook p. 450 - Problem Solving in notebook.  Write out problem and questions.
12/2 - Research and report on cancer.  The report should include how cancer relates to mitosis and some of the technology used to diagnose and treat cancer.
12/6 - Science Fair Topics due.  Topics must be typed or written neatly on looseleaf.

6th Science - 11/28/11
11/30 - Workbook - p. 175 - Draw diagram and write out questions with answers in notebook.
12/2 - Workbook - p. 177 - 1-13 in notebook
12/6 - Science Fair Topics due.  Topics must be typed or written neatly on looseleaf.

5th Science 11/28/11
11/30 - Workbook p. 247 - Draw diagram and write out questions with answers in notebook.
12/2 - Workbook p. 249 # 1-7 Q & A in notebook
12/6 - Science Fair Topics due.  Topics must be typed or written neatly on looseleaf.

6th Social Studies - 11/28/11
Homework questions will be given in class to be completed for homework.

11/28 - Students will begin working on their History Day Project.  Therefore, Social-Studies homework will be modify to accommodate the necessary time needed to work on the project.  Please remember that projects are completed at home.

12/5 - Native American Heritage project is due.  Students will be graded on their presentation and the display board.  Students with the best project will displayed their boards in the auditorium on 12/7.  Instructions and guidelines were given to students the week of 11/21/11.

5th Social Studies - 11/28/11
Questions will be given in class to be completed for homework.

11/28 - Students will begin working on their History Day Project.  Therefore, Social-Studies homework will be modify to accommodate the necessary time needed to work on the project.  Please remember that projects are completed at home.

12/5 - Native American Heritage project is due.  Students will be graded on their presentation and the display board.  Students with the best project will displayed their boards in the auditorium on 12/7.  Instructions and guidelines were given to students the week of 11/21/11.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekly Reminders - 11/21/11

11/22 - 12:00 Dismissal - Parent/Teacher Conferences: 2-7PM.
*  The last day for can food collection - 11/23 (Wednesday)

8th Science - 11/21/11

11/28 - Research at least 5 topics for Science Fair Project

7th Science - 11/21/11
11/22: Scientist report - Scientist must be connected to the cell theory as describe in class!
11/28 - Research at least 5 topics for Science Fair Project

6th Science - 11/21/11
Research at least 5 topics for Science Fair Project.

5th Science 11/21/11
Research at least 5 topics for Science Fair Project.

6th Social Studies - 11/21/11

Students should be working on their Native American project and NHD

5th Social Studies - 11/21/11

Assignments:  Students should be working on their Native American project and NHD.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly Vocabulary Words

These words were given - Week of 10/24/11

1. Hydroelectricty - electricity that is produced by flowing water.

2. photosphere - the lowest layer of the sun's atmosphere and the layers from which light is given off.

3. corona - the largest layer of the sun's atomsphere and extends millions of kilometers into space.

4. nebula - large cloud of gas and dust in the beginning of a star's life.

5. binary system - when two stars orbit each other.

8th Science - 11/14/11
11/16 - Big 8 Review - p. 15 - #19 and 20 on LL.
11/18 - Big 8 Review - p. 18 - # 30, 31, 32, 33 - in notebook

7th Science - 11/14/11
11/16 - Chapter 15 vocabulary words in notebook
11/18 - Textbook p. 425 - #1-4 on LL

6th Science - 11/14/11
11/15 - Workbook p. 199 - Draw diagram and answer question 1-5 in notebook
11/17 - Workbook p. 200 #1-6 in notebook.  Draw diagram of Soil horizons

5th Science 11/14/11
11/16 - On LL - Workbook - p. 181 - 1-11
11/18 - Workbook p. 180. Draw diagram and answer questions in notebook.

6th Social Studies - 11/14/11
11/16 - Chapter 3 vocabulary words in notebook. (the chaper not 1 lesson)
11/18 - Write a poem about life in Border Cave.

5th Social Studies - 11/14/11
11/15 - Textbook p. 35, # 1-4 in notebook
11/18 - Write a poem or song that celebrates the beauty of the United States or your region of the country. You can type it or use construction paper.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Map of the Month

5th  & 6th Grade Map of the Month is due on 11/17/11

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekly Vocabulary Words - 11/7/11

1.  Power - The rate at which energy is supplied.
2.  Kinetic energy - Energy stored in the motion of a mechanical system--e.g. by a rolling car, or a turning flywheel.
3.  Energy - Ability to perform work, i.e. to advance against resistance, for instance lift a body against gravity, or drag it against friction.
4.  Weight - The force exerted on mass by gravity.
5.  Velocity - Rate of position change.  Or the rate and direction of the change in the position of an object.

8th Science - 11/7/11
11/8 - Chapter 7 vocabulary words in notebook.
11/9 - Research paper on "How does an air bag prevent injury in a car crash?"

7th Science - 11/7/11
11/9 - For experiment: bring in bread, cheese, banana, milk.
11/8 - Report on "How are bacteria helpful and how are they harmful?

6th Science - 11/7/11
11/8 - Workbook - p. 213; 1-12 questions and answers in notebook
11/9 - Workbook p. 214 - Write out passage with answers in notebook.
11/9 - carnation milk, chocolate chip, pecans, sugar, margarine, & mini marshmellow

5th Science 11/7/11
11/8 - Workbook p. 219 - #1-10; Questions and answers on looseleaf.
11/14 - Workbook p. 224 - Draw the three diagrams on clouds and answer the questions in notebook.

6th Social Studies - 11/7/11
10/9 - Choose one of the following and write an essay on the "A Day in the Life of a Pharaoh, Nobleman, Crafstman, Priest, Soldier, Farmer or Woman
11/9 - Process paper due.  Follow direction given in class.

5th Social Studies - 11/7/11
11/9 - Process paper due
11/14 - Research a Native American tribe.  Information: food, clothing, housing, religion, education, etc.
Following directions given in class. 

Weekly Reminders - 11/7/11

Can Food Drive 2011! Students from each grade are asked to bring in any type of canned or boxed foods during the next two weeks. Students from OLQM will distribute the canned/boxed foods and a turkey to parishioners within the community.  The last day of collection is 11/23/11.  OLQM thank you very much for your donations. God Bless.

The class that brings in the most canned or boxed foods will be rewarded with a pizza party!