Sunday, April 29, 2012

8th Science - 4/30/12
5/1 - Draw and label the parts of a microscope.
5/2 -  p. 249-250.  #1-20,  Q & A in NB
5/3 - p. 251 - 254 - #21-40 NB
5/4 - p. 256 # 1-3

7th Science - 4/30/12
5/1 - On LL - Explain how the pH scale is used.  Define acid and base on the pH scale.
5/2 - LL - p. 138, #3
5/3 - LL - p. 146, # 4

6th Science - 4/30/12
5/1 - Draw and label the wavelength on LL.

5/3 - On LL -
1.  What is the nucleus of an atom?
2.  How have people’s views of atoms changed over the past 200 years?
3.  Are all carbon atoms alike?

5/4 - Write a report on how salt affects the human body.

5th Science - 4/30/12
5/1 - On LL -
1.  How do a plant’s part help it survive?
2.  Describe how roots help a plant survive?
3. Describe the function of the cortex. 

5/3 - LL - 1.  How is photosynthesis different from respiration?
2.  In what process is carbon dioxide released?
3.  How do plants depend on animals?

6th Social Studies - 4/30/12
5/2 -On LL -
1.  Identify achievements of the Aztec.
2.  Describe the major achievements of the Aztec empire.
3.  What geographic features might have drawn the Aztec here?
5/3 - Write a one page journal entry telling what a young Ojibwa did on a typical day.
5/4  - Text p. 447 Summing up the Chapter on LL

5th Social Studies - 4/30/12
5/1 - LL - Chapter 15 - Answer the following questions.
1.  Why did most immigrants settle in the North?
2.  In which region were there more immigrants?
3.  Explain the two distinctive way of life in the United States in 1850.

5/3 - Write a newspaper article that speaks out against slavery.  Use information from Chapter 16 to support your arguments.  LL

5/4 - Compare and contrast Republican candidate, Mitt Romney and President Obama views on why they should be elected President of the United States.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of 4/23/12

Students in grades 5, 6, 7, & 8 will be quizzed on the materials given in class and homework.  It is important that students complete all assignments correctly.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

8th - Science - 4/23/12
4/24 - Life Science text - p. 554 # 1-4 & Challenge. Q & A on LL.
4/25 - Life Science text - p 558 # 1-4 & Challenge. Q & A on LL.
4/26 - Life Science text - p. 570 1-23.  Answers only on LL.  Write the letter and word of the answers.
4/27 - Quiz on questions from chapter 25 in Life Science book.

7th Science - 4/23/12
4/24 - Project - What is the difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures.  Need to demonstrate the differences.  You can bring in materials to class or complete at home and demonstrate on the Smartboard.  You can video yourself doing the project and show it to the class.
4/25 - Demonstrate why solvents can dissolve some solutes but not others.  Use any of the mini labs from chapter 5.  You can work in groups of 2-3.
4/26 -  p. 150 in text.  You can use the Kitchen Chemistry to assist you in your group project of how mixtures are classified. 
4/27 - Write a summary of all the projects that were completed in class this week.  Summaries will be graded.  On LL.  Summaries can be typed.

6th Science - 4/23/12
4/25 - LL - WB p. 235; #1-11 Q & A.
4/27 - LL - WB  p. 237.  Draw and label atom.  Q & A

5th Science - 4/23/12
4/24 - WB p. 25.  Draw and label diagram.  Then, write out and answer the 5 questions given NB
4/25 - WB p. 27 - Q & A on LL.
4/27 - WB p. 23 - # 1- 11. Q & A on LL

6th Social Studies - 4/23/12
4/26 - Choose ONE of the following and write a two-page biography of this person.  Osman; Sulelyman; Sinan; Akbar; Shah Jahan; Mumtaz Mahal.

5th Social Studies - 4/23/12
4/25 - Chapter 16 Vocabulary, People, & Places with definitions in NB.
4/27 - Text p. 468.  Thinking about vocabulary.  Complete the paragraph and underline the answer. LL

Monday, April 16, 2012

8th Science - 4/16/12

4/17 - NB - Big 8 Review - p. 228 and 230, Q & A.  # 10-24
4/19 - NB - Big 8 Review - p. 231 &; 232. Q & A . # 25-27

7th Science - 4/16/12

4/17- In NB - Draw a map of the US and name the four major time zones in the continental United States and a few major cities located om each.  Find the time zones for Alaska, Hawaii, and eastern Canada.

4/19 - You can write it out on looseleaf or type it- What is the International Date Line and why is the location of the International Date Line better in the ocean than across a continent?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

6th Science - 4/16/12

4/18 – On LL - Compare and discuss the volume and pitch of the sounds produced.

4/20 – On LL -Describe how mirrors and lenses affect light.

5th Science - 4/16/12
4/17:  Write out the following questions on looseleaf and state whether each statement is true or false.  You can use the internet for information.

Directions: Read each statement below and determine whether it is true of false. If it is false, underline the incorrect part and correct it.
___ 1. A tan is just a healthy glow, and does not cause skin damage.
___ 2. Ultraviolet light, like UVA and UVB, is classified by wavelength.
___ 3. The lower layer of your skin is called the epidermis.
___ 4. The minimum recommended SPF for sunscreen is 2.
___ 5. Erythema is another name for sunburn.
___ 6. You can see sunburn right away, so you’ll always know when it’s time to go inside.
___ 7. Severe sunburn can be treated with cool baths, over-the-counter creams, and aspirin.
___ 8. UV rays cause obvious short-term damage, such as sunburn or a tan, as well as long-term damage that accumulates with each exposure.
___ 9. Wearing sunscreen alone will protect you from skin cancer.
___ 10. Artificial tanning, using tanning lamps and pills, is safer than sitting in the sun.
___ 11. Tanning pills are approved by the FDA.
___ 12. All self tanners have sunscreen in them to give your skin an extra layer of protection.

4/20: Write a one-page paper on the scenario below. You can use the questions above to help write the paper.

Someone you know is getting married next summer. Her friends have told her that her wedding dress will look better on her if she has a tan. Based on your knowledge of tanning and UV exposure, evaluate the pros and cons of her options for receiving a tan for her wedding day.

6th Social Studies - 4/16/12
4/18 - Map of the Month

5th Social Studies - 4/16/12

4/17 - Map of the Month