Thursday, May 31, 2012



Monday, May 28, 2012

5th Social Studies - Study Outline.

6/12 - Chapters 11, 12, 13.  Read the content of the chapters, answer the questions at the end of each chapter, and take notes of important events.

*Review notes and homework in your notebooks.

*Study vocabulary words, places and people in all the chapter.

Further information will be given in class.

6th Social Studies - Study Outline

6/12 - Chapter 14; 15; 16. *Read content and notes in NB.

*Study vocabulary words, places and people.

It's important that you read the chapters thoroughly and answer the questions at the end of each lesson.

* Chapter 14: Shah Jahan; Genghis Khan; Kublai Khan; Suleyman; Yoritomo

* Chapter 15: Pachakuti; Tenoochtitlan; Machu Picchu; Bowating; Cuzcoo.
* Chapter 16: James Cook; Isaac Newton; Galileo Galilei; Pedro Alvarez Cabral; Batholomeu Dias.

*Review notes and questions in notebook.

5th Science - Study Outline

6/4 - Chapter 1 - Classifying Living Things. *Plant and animal cells.  * The Kingdom of Life.  *  What are the major plant groups. 

Chapter 2 - Plant Structure and Functions.  * Roots, Stems, and Leaves.  * Plant Responses and Adaptations.  * What is photosynthesis.

Chapter 3 - Plant Diversity.  * Plant Without Seeds.  * Plant with Seeds.  * Angiosperms, gymnosperms, cotyledons.  * Flowers and Seeds.

Chapter 4 -  Animal Diversity.  * Animal Traits.  * Animal Adaptations.

Chapter 5 - Interactions of Living things.   *Interactions in an Ecosystem.  *What is an Ecosystem. *Interactions Among Living Things. * What is a Food Chain and Food Web.

Study vocabulary words from each chapter.

6th Science - Study Outline

6/4 - Chapter 9 -  Properties and Changes of Matter.     *Physical Properties of Matter.    *  What is an atom; electron; proton; neutron.  *  Chemical Changes.

Chapter 10 - * Temperature and Heat.  * How heat affects Matter.  *  What are radiation, conduction and convection.   * How heat affects Matter.

Chapter 11 - *Electricity and Magnetism.   * Static Electricity.  * How is lightning produced.

Chapter 12 - Motion, Work, and Machine.  * Speed and Distance. * Forces and Motion.  * Acceleration and Momentum

Essay will be based on Genetics, Hereditary, Punnett Square, (Chapter 4); Continental Drift, Alfred Wegener.

Review notes in notebook

7th Grade Study Outline

6/4 - Science Finals:
* Chapter 16 - Cell Reproduction; Vocabulary Words.  You need to know in details, how DNA is copied.

* Chapter 17 - Heredity. Study the vocabulary words.  Know what genetics; heredity; dominant; Punnett Square; recessive; etc.    Describe two types genetic disorders.

* Chapter 23 - REVIEW THE CHAPTER:   Vocabulary words; Describe how an egg is fertilized.  Must have specific details.  Describe the stages of childbirth.

* Chapter 24 - REVIEW THE CHAPTER:  Vocabulary words; Describe and explain how HIV affects the immune system.  Explain the natural defenses your body has against disease.

Further details will be given in class. 

8th Science - 5/28/12
Homework:  All questions from Big 8 Review.
5/30- p. 158-161. Q & A.  #30-36 on LL AND
5/30 - p. 170 - 172 # 1-20.  Q & A in NB
5/31 - p. 172-173 # 21 -34.  Q & A in NB
6/1 - p. 106 - 107 # 1-20 on LL ( Q & A)
Quiz on Wednesday and Friday.

6/5- 2 page report on th Scopes Trial. Typed; 12 font; black ink; double space; 1 inch margins

6/4 - NYS Science Exam.  It's important that you review the old state exams online.

7th Science - 5/28/12
Homework:  Chapter 24
5/30- On LL - Explain how HIV affects the immune system.
5/31- In NB.  Define and write a sentence for each of the following: active immunity; allergens; allergy; antigens; chemotherapy; disinfectant; immune system; pasteurization; passive immunity.
6/1- Write a paragraph describing the following scientists and their contribution to diseases:  Jenner; Koch; Lister; Pasteur.

6th Science - 5/28/12
5/30- WB p. 271-272 - Q & A in NB
5/31- WB p. 269 # 1-12 on LL
5/31 - Chapter 10 test
6/1 - WB - p. 268 - # 1-5 Q & A on LL

5th Science - 5/28/12
5/30- WB p. 77 & 78 Q & A in NB.  Underline the answer.
5/31 - WB p. 79 - 1-15. Q & A on LL
5/31 - Chapter 4 test
6/1 - WB - p. 75 - 1-10 in NB

6th Social Studies - 5/28/12
5/30 - Essay on Hernando Cortes.  What achievements you admired the most?  Give several reasons for your choices.
5/31 - Textbook p. 471 # 1-4 on LL (Q&A)
6/1- p. 471 # 5 on LL.

5th Social Studies - 5/28/12
5/30 - Textbook p. 364.  Thinking About Facts # 1-5. Q & A on LL
5/31- Textbook p. 364. Thinking About Facts # 6-10. Q & A on LL
5/31 - Chapter 13 Vocabulary Test
6/1- Write a Constitution for the class.  Begin with a preamble based on the one in the United States Constitution.  Make sure to include right's and responsibilities.  LL or Construction paper

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekly Reminders - 5/21/12

5/21/12 - Weekly Vocabulary Test from last week will be given today. 
5/24/12 - 12:00 Dismissal

8th Science - 5/21/12
5/22 - Blue textbook  Chapter 12 Vocabulary words in NB
5/24 - Chapter 12 vocabulary test.

7th Science - 5/21/12
5/22 - Chapter 23 Vocabualry Test -
5/22 - Chapter 23 - Write vocabulary words with definition in NB. AGAIN

6th Science - 5/21/12
5/22 - WB p. 281 - 1-11 on LL
5/23 - WB p. 299 on LL Q & A

5th Science - 5/21/12
5/22 - WB p. 59 & 60 Q & A  in NB
5/23 - WB p. 57 on LL
5/23 - Chapter 3 test

6th Social Studies - 5/21/12
5/22 - Chapter 17 - Vocabulary words only with definition in NB

5/24 - People and places in NB

5th Social Studies - 5/21/12
5/22 -  Textbook p. 366 - 1-1- Q & A on LL.  Skip lines and underline answers.
5/24 - p. 266.  Think and Write.  Writing a Biography.  Choose one of the individuals you read about in Unit 5. Write a short biography about the person.  Include facts about the individual's personality and values. On LL

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekly Vocabulary - 5/14/12

1.  rebuilt - To make again; build again
2.  artifical - Not real or natural; built by people.
3.  equipped - to furnished; supply
4.  automatic -  able to operate by itself
5.  merchandise - Goods sold in stores
6.  assistance - help
7.  robots - A machine that copies the actions of people.
8. device - Something made and used by people
9.  rotate - To turn
10.  intelligence - Mind; the ability to learn and think
11.  keyboards - A set of keys with letters on them used to put information into a computer
12 - printout - The printed results of work by a computer
13.  gigantic - Very large; huge
14.  clipboard - A board for writing that has a clip to hold papers in place.
15. personality - The group of qualities that make one person different from another.
16.  conveyor belt -  A wide, moving belt used in factories to move parts from place to place.
17. smock - A long, loose shirt worn to protect clothes
18. - solar - Operated by the sun's energy
19. production - The process of making something; the act of creating
20.  connection -  The place where two parts are joined.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

8th Science - 5/14/12
5/14 - Big 8 Reeview - pp 82 - # 80 B; #82 LL
5/15 - Big 8 Review - pp 257 # 4, 5, 6, 7 in NB
5/16 - Big 8 Review - pp - 260 # 3 & 4 On LL
5/17 - 2006 Practice State exam 1-45 in NB
5/18 - 2005 State Exam 1 - 45 in NB

7th Science - 5/14/12

5/15 - Research and report on various types of communicable disease that can be spread through hands.  Create posters and pamphlets or any type of demonstrations (you can use fruits or other types of materials) to demonstrate of how poor hygiene can lead to communicable infections and diseases.  1 minute speech without reading from paper.
5/16 - Presentation on the latest study on the spread of communicable diseases and how it can be prevented.
5/17 - Vocabulary test on Chapter 12.

6th Science - 5/14/12
5/15 - Chapter 10 - vocabulary words in NB
5/17 - Workbook p. 271 -272 in NB

5th Science - 5/14/12
5/15 - WB p. 43 - Draw diagram and answer questions on LL.
5/16 - WB p. 45 - 1-11
5/18 - Quiz on Lesson 5 vocabulary words

6th Social Studies - 5/14/12
5/15 -  2 pages - Choose a religious leader from the past and show how he or she made an impact to the world today.
5/17 - LL - 2+ - Compare and contrast democracy and communism.  Use two leaders and their country as examples.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

5th Social Studies - 5/14/12
5/14 - Chapter 12 vocabulary words in notebook AGAIN
5/16 - Explain the Bill of Rights in 2 paragraph.  Instructions will be given in class.
5/17 - Chapter 12 test.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

8th Science - 5/7/12
5/8 - 2009 Practice test.
5/9 - Big 8 - p. 206 -  # 1-27 on LL
5/10 - Big 8 - p.  244 - 247 - # 18 -32 on LL
5/11 - Big 8 - p. 243-244 - 1-17 on LL

Questions and Answers

7th Science - 5/7/12
5/8 - Chapter 23 Vocabulary words in NB
5/9 - Male and Female Reproductive Test.
5/10 - ppt:  How can drugs and alcohol affect the growth of a fetus, embryo and baby?  What are some effects on the baby.  2-3 minutes.  NO LONGER!
5/11 - LL - Section Assessment p. 639 - 1-4.

5/14 -  Report - Choose an STD and write whether it is a communicable disease or non-communicable disease.  Is there a cure?  Is it life threatening? How can someone get such a disease? How can it be prevented?

6th Science - 5/7/12
5/8 - LL - WB p. 241 1-11.  Skip lines and underline the answers.  Proper grammar and spelling is required.
5/9 - WB p. 247-248 in NB.  Questions and Answers.
5/10 - LL - p. 243 WB - # 1-6
5/11 - Chapter 9 test

5th Science - 5/7/12
5/9- Chapter 2  Test.
 5/8 - LL - Compare low fat, 1%, 2%, and whole milk.  Also the fat and sugar contents of various foods.
5/10 - 1 page typed report - Research the effect of various vitamin deficiencies.
5/11 - LL - Name, identify, and compare different food preferences. (vegetarian, vegan, etc)

6th Social Studies - 5/7/12
5/8 - Cinco de Mayo food Presentation.
5/9 - 2 page typed Report - Research President Obama and Mitt Romney political lives and choose a speech from each one to present in class.
5/10 - In NB - Chapter 16 Vocabulary words with definition.
5/11 - Chapter 16 test

5th Social Studies - 5/7/12
5/8/ - Chapter 12 Vocabulary words in NB.
5/9 - LL - Write out the questions
 1.  What was Common Sense and why was it so popular and effective?
2.  In what way did Washington convince the British to leave Boston?
3.  Why do you think the British retreated?
5/10  - Chapter 12 Vocabulary Test.
5/11 - Worksheet on the Declaration of Independence.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Reminders - Week of 5/7/12

5th Grade - 5/7 - Celebrating Cinco de Mayo.  Presentations will continue today.

6th Grade - 5/8 - Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Foods.  Using Mexican Foods.

7th Grade - 5/9 - Study Male and Female Reproductive System for test.

8th Grade - 5/8 - Test on 2009 NYS.  Go online or on my blog to review the questions we did in class.