Sunday, December 28, 2008


Monday 5th, 2009

AIM: Chapter 15 – Chemistry of living things

PROCEDURE: Students will learn the difference between atoms and elements.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 15 vocabulary words in NB

Tuesday 6th, 2009

AIM: What are the differences between organic and inorganic compounds?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn of the compounds that make up life.

HOMEWORK: Section Assessment – p. 420 on LL

Wednesday 7th, 2009

PROCEDURE: Students will learn of selectively permeable membrane.

HOMEWORK: Lesson 2 vocabulary words in NB

Thursday 8th, 2009

AIM: To describe the process of osmosis.

PROCEDURE: Students will explain the experiment they did on osmosis.

HOMEWORK: What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion? LL

Friday 9th, 200911:30 Dismissal

AIM: Review Chapter 1 – The Nature of Science.

PROCEDURE: Students will list and define the scientific methods

HOMEWORK: Study outline for exam