Monday, February 2, 2015

5th Social Studies - 2/2/15


2/6 - Copy vocabulary words in NB

1.  plantation - a large Southern farm that grew only one crop.

2.  backcountry - the name colonists gave to the rugged land near the Appalachian Mountain.

3. Free enterprise - a system in which people can start any business they want and decide what to make,
how much to produce, and what price to charge.

4.  Slave trade - the business of buying and selling people for profit.

5.  Middle Passage - the triangular trade route's middle leg, which began in Africa and ended in the West Indies.

6.  Agriculture - the business of farming.

7.  Overseer - the boss of a plantation.

8.  Almanac - a reference book that contains information about stars and weather.

9.  Autobiography - the story of a person's own life, written by himself or herself.

10.  Export - to send goods to other countries for sale or trade.