Monday, December 14, 2015

5th Science and Social Studies - 12/14/15

12/15 - On loose-leaf or typing paper, copy the Scientific Methods.  Leave

PURPOSE:  How does the Water Cycle work?

HYPOTHESIS:  If water is recycle or renewed, then water is constantly moving in a circle

MATERIALS:  clear jar, clear plastic, hot water; shavings of ice; small rock, rubber band

PROCEDURE:  1.  Fill jar with 1/4 cups of hot water
2.  Put 3 TBSP of ice shavings in the hot water
3.  Cover with clear plastic by placing rubber band around the jar
4.  Place small rock on top of plastic cover.

EXPERIMENT:  (You will draw your observation in class)

RESULT:  in class

CONCLUSION:  in class

Free Scientific Method and recording sheet for your next science experiment: