Sunday, January 8, 2017


Review: 6th Science – MOY Exam Review – September to January

Review: You MUST read the chapters that were covered in from September to January 6th.

Weekly Vocabulary words for Unit 1, Unit II, and Unit III. (September – January 6th

Weekly Vocabulary words for Unit I, Unit II, and Unit III.

Sedimentary rock      igneous rock         metamorphic rock          Rock cycle
minerals          geologic column         Absolute age                          superposition
relative age                Earthquake                volcanoes        focus               epicenter
Matter            mass                density            volume            Atom               Compound
element                       mixtures         Fossil Index                fossil               weathering

Layers of the Earth – inner core; outer core; mantle; crust.

Be able to define that matter can be a solid, liquid, gas and takes up space.

Be able to explain that physical change is a change in size, shape, or state without forming a new substance.

Students will be able to describe how a solid can become a liquid and convert into a gas.

· How to classify minerals based on their properties?

· How is density measured?

· How particles and waves compare?

· Why Earth’s lithosphere is changing?

· How minerals are classified?

· The difference between a rock and a mineral.

· Infer what the Rock Cycle tell us about the formation of rocks

· Volcanoes and the types of volcanoes

· earthquakes

· What are the three types of rocks?

· What are index fossils?

· Describe radioactive dating.

· What is a rock’s relative age?

· What is geologic column?

· What is superposition?

· What do the periods in the geologic time scale represent?

* Understand the development of the geologic time scale

How has scientists developed a theory using fossil evidence, continental Drift, sea floor spreading.

Names the layers of the Earth?

How is energy related to motion?

How are kinetic energy and potential energy different?

How to find the density, mass, or volume of an object.  Know how to solve the mathematical equation