Monday 19th, 2009 Dr. Martin Luther King’s Day
PROCEDURE: School Closed
HOMEWORK: Study mitosis and meiosis
Tuesday 20th, 2009
AIM: To compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction
PROCEDURE: Learn how cells divide in both reproduction and their result
HOMEWORK: Where are sex cells formed?
Wednesday 21st, 2009
AIM: What is a zygote, and how is it formed?
PROCEDURE: Online demonstration of a zygote forming.
HOMEWORK: Name the process of meiosis.
Thursday 22nd, 2009
AIM: Compare what happens to chromosomes during anaphase I and II
PROCEDURE: Learn of diploid cell having four chromosomes and separating.
HOMEWORK: How is the DNA bases lined up?
Friday 23rd, 2009
AIM: Identifying the parts of a DNA molecule.
PROCEDURE: Draw and label strands of DNA molecule and structure
HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary word