Saturday, January 17, 2009

8th Science - Week of January 19th, 2009

Monday 19th, 2009 School Closed
PROCEDURE: Martin Luther King’s Day
HOMEWORK: Work on Science project

Tuesday 20th, 2009
AIM: Describe the stages of meiosis and how sex cells are produced.
PROCEDURE: Draw the stages of meiosis and the production of cells
HOMEWORK: How is mitosis and meiosis different?

Wednesday 21st, 2009
AIM: Why is meiosis needed for sexual reproduction?
PROCEDURE: Learn of the phases of meiosis and chromosome
HOMEWORK: What is fertilization?

Thursday 22nd, 2009
AIM: Name the cells that are involved in fertilization.
PROCEDURE: Students will learn how fertilization.
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary words

Friday 23rd, 2009
AIM: Quiz
PROCEDURE: Vocabulary quiz
HOMEWORK: Work on science fair project