Saturday, March 14, 2009


Monday 16th, 2009
AIM: p. A 36 – What is an invertebrate?
OBJECTIVE: Students observe the large variety of animals without backbones. HOMEWORK: List and describe the 8 phyla on p. A 36 & 37 in NB

Tuesday 17th, 2009
AIM: What are the simplest invertebrates like?
OBJECTIVE: Students will oral read and take notes.
HOMEWORK: Where do the simplest invertebrates live? LL

Wednesday 18th, 2009
AIM: How do invertebrates affect people?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how important invertebrates are in human lives.
HOMEWORK: p. A45 – write question and answer on LL

Thursday 19th, 2009
AIM: How are complex invertebrates different from other invertebrates?
OBJECTIVE: Students will draw and label parts of the earthworm.
HOMEWORK: Draw and Label grasshopper on p. A 42

Friday 20th, 2009
AIM: Students will be quizzed on drawing and labeling the earthworm.
OBJECTIVE: WB – in notebook questions and answers.
HOMEWORK: Review vocabulary words.