Saturday, March 14, 2009


Monday 16th, 2009
AIM: p. 344 – Evidence of Evolution
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn the importance of fossils as evidence of change.
HOMEWORK: Research the Scopes trial. Power-point presentation due 3/19

Tuesday 17th, 2009
AIM: How is relative and radiometric dating used to date fossils?
OBJECTIVE: Students will analyze the geologic time scale for clues.
HOMEWORK: What is the difference between relative and radiometric dating? 1para.

Wednesday 18th, 2009
AIM: Examples of five types of evidence for evolution.
OBJECTIVE: Students will examine vestigial, embryology, & DNA evidence also.
HOMEWORK: Compare & contrast the five types of evidence of evolution. LL

Thursday 19th, 2009
AIM: Power-point presentation on the Scopes trial
OBJECTIVE: Students will present and debate on the Scopes trail.
HOMEWORK: Supplies of LAB

Friday 20th, 2009
AIM: LAB: A Model of Natural Selection
OBJECTIVE: Students will make and use model to explain natural selection.
HOMEWORK: Complete lab sheet