Sunday, March 1, 2015

6th Science - 3/2/15


3/4 - Copy vocabulary words in NB

1. chemical change - occur when chemical reactions between substances form new products.

2.  compound - a substance that results from a combination of two or more different chemical element.

3.  chemical bond - something that binds, fastens, confines, or holds together.

4. chemical formula - A shorthand way of representing the number and type of elements in a compound or the number of atoms in a molecular element.

5.  ion -an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons.

6.  chemical property - any characteristic that gives a substance the ability to undergo a change that results in a new substance.

7. molecule - smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound.

8.  exothermic - a chemical reaction that releases energy by light or heat. It is the opposite of an endothermic reaction.

9.  endothermic -characterized by or formed with absorption of heat.

10.  mass - A measure of the amount of matter in an object