Monday, March 9, 2015

6th Social Studies - 3/9/15


3/12 - Copy vocabulary words in NB

1.  Sahara - the largest desert in the world; covers most of North Africa; bordered the three kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhai.

2.  Sahel - the dry grassy region south of the Sahara Desert

3. Sudan - the area between the Sahara desert and the Gulf of Guinea
4.  Niger - the river that flows from west africa to the Gulf of Guinea; incredibly important to surrounding areas

5. griot - a learned storyteller, entertainer, historian

6. dinar - a unit of currency in the form of gold

7. timbuktu - Capital city in ancient mali; the center of commerce; center of learning throughout the muslim world

8. Sundiata - the king who could not walk or talk, the lion king of mali