Sunday, May 10, 2015

5th Science - 5/11/15


5/13 -  Copy vocabulary words in NB

1.  rhizoids - the hairlike fibers that keeps mosses and ferns anchored in one place and do the job much like roots.

2.  spores - are tiny structures found inside a capsule called a spore capulse that can develop into new organisms.

3.  fronds - are fern leaves.  

4.  rhizome - a root that grow above ground from an underground stem. 

5. Fiddleheads  - are young fern fronds.

6.  asexual reproduction - the plant needs only one type of cells, the spore, in order to reproduce.

7.  fertilization - when the male sex cell and the female sex cell join together.

8.  Sexual reproduction - when the plant needs both the male sex cells and the female sex cells in order to reproduce.

9.  Angiosperm - a vascular plant that grows from seeds and produce flowers.

10.  gymnosperm - a vascular plant that grows from seeds but do not produce flowers.