Monday 2nd, 2009
AIM: Why are the biomes changing?
OBJECTIVE: Student will observe pictures of people and places online. Discussion HOMEWORK: lesson 5 vocabulary words in NB
Tuesday 3rd, 2009
AIM: Can humans change water ecosystems?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how over fishing is causing a change in the ecosystem.
HOMEWORK: Text p. B77 on LL
Wednesday 4th, 2009
AIM: Students will have Computer Class
HOMEWORK: Review lesson 5
Thursday 5th, 2009
AIM: What are the two types of grassland and how are they different?
OBJECTIVE: Students will concentrate on the Blackland Prairies and Africa savannas.
HOMEWORK: How have the African savannas change over time?
Friday 5th, 2009
AIM: What are the conditions in the Tundra?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn of the similarities of the desert and the tundra.
HOMEWORK: Review weekly notes