Saturday, February 28, 2009


Monday 2nd, 2009
AIM: Chapter 18 – How Ecosystem change over time?
OBJECTIVE: Students will oral read and take notes.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 18 vocabulary words

Tuesday 3rd, 2009
AIM: How new communities arise in areas that were bare of life?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn what happen to communities after a natural disaster.
HOMEWORK: Infer what type of biome you think you live in. LL

Wednesday 4th, 2009
AIM: How to compare and contrast pioneer and climax communities?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn of simple food chain developing.
HOMEWORK: Research Mount St. Helens and the life that returned to the area. 1 page

Thursday 5th, 2009
AIM: How does climate influence land environments?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how temperature, latitude, & elevation affect environment.
HOMEWORK: Which biome is most common in the United States?

Friday 6th, 2009 - 10:00AM – STATION OF THE CROSS
AIM: LAB: What endangered species have been indentified for the NY region?
OBJECTIVE: Students will locate information on endangered and threatened species.
HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary words