Sunday, October 19, 2008


Monday 20th , 2008

LAB: Students will make a bouncy ball

PROCEDURE: Different materials will be used to construct a ball that bounces.

HOMEWORK: Complete lab sheet using chemistry paper for details.

Tuesday 21st, 2008

AIM: Online – Enchanted

PROCEDURE: Students will draw and label the sun.

HOMEWORK: Students will research the function of the sun

Wednesday 22nd, 2008

AIM: p. 162 – How can objects become electrically charged?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn of the two types of electric charge.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 6 vocabulary words

Thursday 23rd, 2008 (school spelling bee)

AIM: p. 164-167 - What are the difference between insulators and conductors?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn how charges can move easily through conductors.

HOMEWORK: Research how lightning is caused.

Friday 24th, 2008

AIM: p. 169 – How is voltage related to the electric energy carried by an electric current.

PROCEDURE: Students will observe how a simple circuit works.

HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary words for quiz on 10/28