Sunday, December 28, 2008


Monday 5th, 2009

AIM: Chapter 16 – Two types of plant reproduction.

PROCEDURE: Students learn of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.

HOMEWORK: Chapter 16 vocabulary words.

Tuesday 6th, 2009

AIM: What are the two stages in a plant’s life cycle?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn the difference between haploid and diploid.

HOMEWORK: Draw and label the life cycle of a moss in NB – p.453

Wednesday 7th, 2009

AIM: To explain the life cycle of a fern.

PROCEDURE: Students will learn the parts of the fern.

HOMEWORK: Draw and label fern’s life cycle on p. 454 in NB

Thursday 8th, 2009

AIM: Review plant and animal cells.

PROCEDURE: Students will draw and label plant and animal cells

HOMEWORK: Review notes for exam.

Friday 9th, 200911:30 Dismissal

AIM: Students will review Chapter 1.

PROCEDURE: List and explain the scientific methods

HOMEWORK: Study for exam.