Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Monday 20th, 2009
AIM: Review chapter 18
OBJECTIVE: Students will list functions of skin and how it helps prevent disease. HOMEWORK: Study for test.

Tuesday 21th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 18 test. Chapter 19 Nutrition and Digestion
OBJECTIVE: Oral reading and discussion on nutrition
HOMEWORK: Chapter 19 vocabulary words in NB

Wednesday 22nd, 2009
AIM: The six classes of nutrition
OBJECTIVE: Why do we eat and the importance of each type of nutrition.
HOMEWORK: Problem Solving p. 521 on LL

Thursday 23rd, 2009
AIM: The relationship between diet and health.
OBJECTIVE: Discuss the relationship between diet and health.
HOMEWORK: Explain the importance of water in your body. 2 paragraphs LL

Friday 24th, 2009
AIM: The Digestive System.
OBJECTIVE: The difference between mechanical and chemical digestion
HOMEWORK: Research anorexia and bulimia