Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly Vocabulary Words 3/4/12

1.  Prey - To hunt and kill.
2.  Fearsome - Scary; frightening.
3.  Species - A group of plants or animals that have certain common features.
4.  Habitat - The sort of place where a certain animal usually llives.
5.  Eyesight - The power of seeing.
6.  Migration - Movement from one place to another.
7.  Obstacle - Something that is in the way.
8.  Hibernate - To spend winter sleeping.
9.  Distinguish - To see the differences.
10. Rodent - A type of mammal that gnaws with its teeth, such as a mouse.
11. Assignment - Job; the work someone is given to do.
12. Dedicated - Willing to work with great loyalty; devoted.
13. Instructed - To show how; teach.
14. Capsule - The part of a spaceship that carries people.
15. Cockpit - The place where a pilot sits; the control center of a space shuttle.
16. Liftoff - The act of rising from the ground and taking flight.
17. Aerial - Of or in the air.
18. Commander - The person who gives orders; the person in charge.
19. Gravitational - Having to do with gravity, or the force that pulls things toward the center of the earth.
20. Sensation - Feeling.