Sunday, April 15, 2012

5th Science - 4/16/12
4/17:  Write out the following questions on looseleaf and state whether each statement is true or false.  You can use the internet for information.

Directions: Read each statement below and determine whether it is true of false. If it is false, underline the incorrect part and correct it.
___ 1. A tan is just a healthy glow, and does not cause skin damage.
___ 2. Ultraviolet light, like UVA and UVB, is classified by wavelength.
___ 3. The lower layer of your skin is called the epidermis.
___ 4. The minimum recommended SPF for sunscreen is 2.
___ 5. Erythema is another name for sunburn.
___ 6. You can see sunburn right away, so you’ll always know when it’s time to go inside.
___ 7. Severe sunburn can be treated with cool baths, over-the-counter creams, and aspirin.
___ 8. UV rays cause obvious short-term damage, such as sunburn or a tan, as well as long-term damage that accumulates with each exposure.
___ 9. Wearing sunscreen alone will protect you from skin cancer.
___ 10. Artificial tanning, using tanning lamps and pills, is safer than sitting in the sun.
___ 11. Tanning pills are approved by the FDA.
___ 12. All self tanners have sunscreen in them to give your skin an extra layer of protection.

4/20: Write a one-page paper on the scenario below. You can use the questions above to help write the paper.

Someone you know is getting married next summer. Her friends have told her that her wedding dress will look better on her if she has a tan. Based on your knowledge of tanning and UV exposure, evaluate the pros and cons of her options for receiving a tan for her wedding day.