Monday, February 18, 2013

6th Science - 2/18/13
2/20 -  You can choose a Power-point/I-Movie/Webquest or any other form of media to display your prototype of a machine.  Design a simple machine or compound machine.  You must be able to explain each part of the machine and how it works. Your presentation should display how it is relevant to our lives or to society.  The presentation will be graded on a 1-4 Rubric with 4 being the highest.  You can use an online prototype and explain it in your PPT/I-Movie/Webquest or create your own prototype online.  Your presentation grade is based on how well you use technology to produce, create, design, and implement your machine. 

Format to follow in setting up your presentation.  Each slide must have the following headings:
1.  Topic
2.  Introduction
3.  Define the problem
4.  Gather evidence
5.  Identify the cause
6.  Evaluate you project
7.  Develop a solution
8.  Conclude with the best solution

2/22 - Copy and define vocabulary words from lesson plan.