Sunday, March 10, 2013

5th Social Studies Vocabulary words for 3/13/13

1.  domino theory
Belief that if one country fell to communism, neigboring countries would likewise fall.
2.  Vietminh
Common name for the League for Independence of Vietnam.
3.  Geneva Accords
A 1954 international conference in which Vietnam was divided into two nations.
4.  Viet Cong
Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam.
5.   National     Liberation Front
Political arm of the Viet Cong.
6.  Gulf of Tonkin    Resolution
1964 congressional resolution authorizing President Johnson to take 
military action in Vietnam.
7.  land mine
An explosive device planted in the ground.
8.  saturation bombing
The dropping of a large concentration of bombs over a certain area.
9.  Agent Orange
A herbicide used as a chemical weapon during the Vietnam War to kill vegetation and expose enemy hiding places.
10.  napalm
Highly flammable chemical dropped from US planes in firebombing attacks during the Vietnam War.