Monday, April 27, 2015

8th Science - 4/27/15


Copy vocabulary words and study them for weekly quiz.

1.asteroids - space rocks smaller than planets. Many are found between Mars and Jupiter.

2. atmosphere - a layer of gases surrounding a planet

3. axis - An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates.

4. comets - One of the small, icy bodies that orbit the sun that make tails of gas and dust when they get close to the sun

5. Copernicus - Proved that the sun is the center of the solar system

6. density - the amount of matter a given space

7. tilt - This causes Earth's seasons

8. eclipse - when one space object blocks the sun from reaching another.

9. ellipse - an oval shape.

10. full moon - a moon phase in which the entire face of the moon is visible,

11. inner planets - a planet whose orbit lies within the asteroid belt, i.e., Mercury, Venus, Earth, or Mars.

12. outer planets - a planet whose orbit lies outside the asteroid belt, i.e., Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune