Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekly Reminders - 9/12/16

The parent report for the New York State Tests that were administered last spring were sent home with your child today (Monday)
Should parents have questions about the results please see your child's teacher or see Mr. Woods on Sunday September 18th from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.

School Supplies and Parent permission pages
Emergency Cards due
As a reminder students should have all their school supplies in by Monday September 12th.
Emergency Cards and other parent permission pages are also due to the classroom teacher on Monday September 12th.

Extended Day Classes - begin Monday September 19th
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Extended Day classes in ELA (English Language Arts) and Mathematics will assist students in maximizing their academic potential using on-line programs such as Classroom Inc., Achieve 3000, IXL and iReady along with regular classroom review.
Students will be assessed weekly and their progress will be posted on the Educate Student Information System

Grade 6
Wednesdays - Mathematics - Mr. Placido
Thursdays - ELA - Ms. Serewko

Friday - September 16, 2016

Early Dismissal Day 12:00 noon - Faculty Meeting After School Program will be in session