Sunday, January 8, 2017


Review: 7th Science – MOY Exam Review – September to January
Review: You MUST read the chapters that were covered in from September to January 6th.

Cartilage                   joint               dermis                       epidermis                 muscle
Periosteum              smooth muscle                  cardiac muscle                   melanin
Voluntary muscle                          involuntary muscle                      phosphorous
Sodium chloride                urea                           vertebrae                
6 types of nutrients                     skeletal system                  cerebrum    
cerebellum              brain stem               small intestine                    pancreas
capillaries                             arteries                     veins              bacteria                    virus
pathogens               communicable diseases                          noncommunciable
immune system                 antibody                  parts of a cell
five function of the human skin

MUST STUDY - Weekly Vocabulary words for Unit 1, Unit II, and Unit III.
 Identify the dietary needs for maintaining healthy bones.  
Name the six types of nutrients and their importance.
Be able to distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion.  
Label the process of digestion. 
Know the parts of the skeletal system - Joints, muscles, and bones
Compare arteries, veins, and capillaries. Know parts of the heart.
How do blood platelets maintain homeostasis?
What is the function of the heart?
What is the lymphatic system?
What nutrients are supplied by the blood? 
What chain of events necessary for nervous impulses to travel through a specific system. 
How is the CNS and PNS different?
Compare and contrast the circulatory and pulmonary system
Name the three parts of the brain and the function of each part.
What is the immune system?
What are communicable and non-communicable diseases?
Parts of an animal cell.