Saturday, May 16, 2009


Monday 18th, 2009
AIM: Earth’s Moon
OBJECTIVE: How do the moon phases depend on the positions of the sun, and earth?

HOMEWORK: Using math – p. 613 on LL

Tuesday 19th, 2009
AIM: Test on chapter 21
OBJECTIVE: Students will be tested on vocabulary and notes
HOMEWORK: Chapter 22 vocabulary words in NB

Wednesday 20th, 2009
AIM: Why eclipses occur and how solar and lunar eclipses compare?
OBJECTIVE: Oral reading and notes on lesson 2
HOMEWORK: p. 617 on LL

Thursday 21st, 2009
AIM: The Structure of the Moon.
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn of the craters and interior of the moon.
HOMEWORK: How are craters on the moon form? LL

Friday 22nd, 2009
AIM: What is the origin of the Moon?
OBJECTIVE: p. 618-619 – Students will present their answer.
HOMEWORK: Review weekly work