Monday, February 2, 2015

8th Science - 2/2/15


2/5 - Copy vocabulary with definitions in NB

1. diffusion - main method by which small molecules move across the cell membrane; substances move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

2. osmosis - diffusion of water across a cell membrane; water moves by diffusion through the cell membrane to an area of low water concentration

3. semi-permeable - membranes that allow some substances through but not others

4. active transport - cells use energy to move substances through the cell membrane

5. passive transport - substances move back and forth through the cell membrane without the use of energy
(diffusion and osmosis)

6. photosynthesis - is what happens when cells take in energy in sunlight and use it to make food

7. respiration - when cells break down simple food molecules such as sugar and release the energy they contain (how cells get energy from sugar)

8. unicellular - having or consisting of a single cell

9.  multicellular - consisting of many cells

10. nucleus - a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction