Saturday, January 31, 2009

5th SCIENCE - WEEK OF FEB. 2nd, 2009

Monday 2nd, 2009
AIM: What is pollination and fertilization?
PROCEDURE: Students will read & observe the differences between pollination and fertilization
HOMEWORK: p. A 78 Draw and label parts of a flower in NB

Tuesday 3rd, 2009
AIM: What is in a seed?
PROCEDURE: Students will observe the parts of seeds (beans)
HOMEWORK: Complete observation of seeds and state whether monocot or dicot.

Wednesday 4th, 2009
AIM: Computers
PROCEDURE: Students must review lesson 7
HOMEWORK: WB. questions for test

Thursday 5th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 5 - Module
PROCEDURE: What is an Ecosystem?
HOMEWORK: Study for test

Friday 6th, 2009
AIM: Test on chapter 3
PROCEDURE: Students will tested on notes and questions given this week.
HOMEWORK: Work on Science Fair Project