Saturday, January 31, 2009

6th SCIENCE - WEEK OF FEB. 2nd, 2009

Monday 2nd, 2009
AIM: p. B62 What did Mendel's Experiment show?
PROCEDURE: Students will observe Mendel's purebred and hybrid's experiment
HOMEWORK: How did Mendel's exeriments show how traits are inherited?

Tuesday 3rd, 2009
AIM: How did Mendel identify dominant and recessive traits?
PROCEDURE: Students will study Mendel's pea plants and draw conclusion.
HOMEWORK: What is dominant and recessive traits?

Wednesday 4th, 2009
AIM: 11:30 dismissal
PROCEDURE: Faculty Meeting
HOMEWORK: Work on Science Fair Project

Thursday 5th, 2009
AIM: How to use probability to predict genetic outcomes.
PROCEDURE: Students will create their own experiment for hereditary traits.
HOMEWORK: Complete lab sheet

Friday 6th, 2009
AIM: What is a Punnett Square
PROCEDURE: Students will use the Punnet Square to predict outcome of their choice
HOMEWORK: Work on Science Fair Project