Saturday, January 17, 2009

5th Science - Week of Jan. 19th, 2009

Monday 19th, 2009 School Closed
PROCEDURE: Dr. Martin Luther King’s Day
HOMEWORK: Work on projects

Tuesday 20th, 2009
AIM: How do genes determine an organism’s trait?
PROCEDURE: Learn what genes are and how they control traits.HOMEWORK: Draw and number the 23 pairs of human chromosomes.

Wednesday 21st, 2009
AIM: Computer – No Science Class
HOMEWORK: Work on chromosomes

Thursday 22nd, 2009
AIM: Explain how gene mutations occur.
PROCEDURE: Student will learn how DNA molecule can be copied incorrectly.
HOMEWORK: Name some mutations that may occur.

Friday 23rd, 2009
AIM: Quiz
PROCEDURE: Students will be quiz on vocabulary words given in class
HOMEWORK: Work on Science Fair project