Saturday, February 7, 2009


Monday 9th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 4-Animal traits
PROCEDURE: Students will learn that animals with similar traits are classified in the same group. HOMEWORK: What traits do scientists use to divide all animals into two main groups?

Tuesday 10th, 2009
AIM: What is the main difference between an invertebrate and vertebrate?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn of animals with and without backbones.
HOMEWORK: Name three traits you might use to classify an animal.

Wednesday 11th, 2009
AIM: Computer Class
PROCEDURE: Students will have computer class
HOMEWORK: Lesson 8 vocabulary words in NB

Thursday 12th, 2009
AIM: How do animals adapt?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn of certain characteristics that animals have to survive.
HOMEWORK: How does camouflage help an animal survive?

Friday 13th, 2009
AIM: How are animal behaviors that are inherited different from those that are learned?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn of physical traits that are inherited and those that are not.
HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary words and work on science fair experiment