Saturday, February 28, 2009


Monday 2nd, 2009
AIM: Chapter 14 – What are the different sources of air pollutants?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how and the causes of air pollution.

HOMEWORK: Lesson 1 vocabulary words.

Tuesday 3rd, 2009
AIM: How does air pollution affects people and the environment?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how the compounds in the air affect the body.
HOMEWORK: Draw and label the pH or water and acid rain precipitation.

Wednesday 4th, 2009
AIM: How can air pollution be reduced?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn of the Clean Air Regulations of 1990.
HOMEWORK: What recent actions are being taken to reduce pollution? LL

Thursday 5th, 2009
AIM: What are the causes and effects of water pollution?
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn of contamination and how they cause birth defects etc.
HOMEWORK: p. 395 – 1-4 on LL

Friday 5th, 2009
AIM: LAB: What kinds of particulate matter are in your environment?
OBJECTIVE: Student use gelatin to gather particles from different areas

HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary words