Saturday, February 7, 2009


Monday 9th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 9-Ancient Rome
PROCEDURE: Students will learn how people of the Italian peninsula founded Rome in 700 B.C. HOMEWORK: Study chapter 8 notes-test on 2/8

Tuesday 10th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 8 Test
PROCEDURE: Students will be test on Chapter 8 – Ancient Greece
HOMEWORK: Why was the location of Rome a good place for a city?

Wednesday 11th, 2009
AIM: In what ways did Rome’s geography help it to grow strong?
PROCEDURE: Students will how grapes became an important crop in ancient Italy.
HOMEWORK: What were the causes of farmers’ success at growing grapevines in Italy?

Thursday 12th, 2009
AIM: What kind of government did the Romans establish?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn how the new government was called a republic.
HOMEWORK: Lesson 2 ­vocabulary words in NB

Friday 13th, 2009
AIM: What were the three branches of government in ancient Rome?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn how modern-day governments resembled ancient Romes’
HOMEWORK: Review weekly notes.