Saturday, February 7, 2009


Monday 9th, 2009
AIM: Chapter 1- What are the characteristics of some living things?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn that living things are classified based on characteristics

HOMEWORK: Report on Carolus Linnaeus

Tuesday 10th, 2009
AIM: How are organisms classified?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn how Aristotle classified organisms beginning in 350 B.C.
HOMEWORK: List the characteristics of animals

Wednesday 11th, 2009
AIM: What characteristics help to classify an organism as an animal?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn multicelled, one celled, and food intakes are use to classify animals
HOMEWORK: Name the division of the plant kingdom in NB

Thursday 12th, 2009
AIM: What is in the Fungus and protist Kingdom?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn the characteristics of fungi.
HOMEWORK: List the characteristics of fungi.

Friday 13tth, 2009
AIM: What are the two kingdoms of Bacteria?
PROCEDURE: Students will learn of eubacteria and archaebacteria.
HOMEWORK: Review notes