Saturday, September 27, 2008


Monday 29th ,2008

AIM: p. E 20 – What are electrons, neutrons, and protons?

PROCEDURE: Students will draw boron and helium atom and define its parts
HOMEWORK: WB p. 238 in NB – must draw atoms

Tuesday 30th, 2008

AIM: p. 21- How have the models of atoms changed over the past 200 years?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn of Dalton, Rutherford & Thomson’ s model.

HOMEWORK: What is the nucleus of an atom and what makes up a nucleus - LL

Wednesday 1st , 2008

AIM: p. E 22 – How do Particles and Waves Compare?

PROCEDURE: Students will learn particles and wave do not have the same properties.

HOMEWORK: What are the three features of waves? P. E23

Thursday 2nd , 2008

AIM: p. E23 - In a wave of light, why are frequency and wavelength important?

PROCEDURE: Demonstration of why the sky appears blue and the difference between
red and blue light

HOMEWORK: Define transparent and opaque in NB

Friday 3rd, 2008

AIM: p. E 24 – What is the Periodic Table?

PROCEDURE: Students will identify the information presented in each box.

HOMEWORK: Study Lesson 2 vocabulary words